Professional Proofreading

All writers should consider having their written work proofread and, if necessary, edited by professional proofreaders. When a writer utilizes professional proofreading services, he or she is taking the extra step in terms of making sure that the final document is free of errors and intelligible.

Professional proofreading involves two steps:

  1. The professional proofreader reviews the document, searching for errors in spelling, word choice, grammar, punctuation, and English usage. The professional proofreader corrects all errors; he or she may insert better word choices, thereby augmenting the clarity of the document.
  2. Professional proofreaders also examine the papers on which they work to make sure that the content is logically organized and presented. The proofreader may need to delete or move sentences and phrases or add transition sentences so that the thesis of the paper is clearly presented and backed up by what is presented in the document.


$0.0455 / word

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$0.0546 / word

  • 48-hour editing service
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$0.0637 / word

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$0.0728 / word

  • 10-hour editing service
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$0.0818 / word

  • 6-hour editing service
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$0.0955 / word

  • 3-hour editing service
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The goal of professional proofreaders is to eliminate errors, clarify the writing, and ensure that the thesis of the document is clearly and interestingly presented so that it will be understood by all who read it. If the point of writing is to convey thoughts and information, then the document itself must be clearly and correctly written. Professional proofreaders ensure that all documents on which they work are just that.

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