All Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) and Libre Office (.odt) submissions are edited using the appropriate program's track changes features. WordPad (.rtf) submissions are converted so that they can be edited using the track changes feature in Microsoft Word. Using track changes aids both the editor and author in preparing a submission for its final draft. Unfortunately, other file formats (.pdf, .ppt, .xls, .xlsx) do not offer the option to use track changes features to facilitate the editing process. Instead, these file formats have to be meticulously edited using extensive markup tools (insert text, delete text, and replace text) and sticky notes. Specifically PowerPoint files are edited by fastidiously turning the edited text (insertions, changes, and the word on either side of a deletion) red and leaving additional comments. Excel files are also methodically proofread by inserting a comment over the error and typing "Change X to Y" in the comment, wherein X is the error and Y is the correction. Due to the excess work and time this extra process requires of the editor, all other file format submissions incur a 15.00% premium surcharge.
To benefit from Proof Reading, LLC's expert Other File Format Editing Services, please select "Other Formats" (.pdf, .ppt, .xls, .xlsx) on the submission form under the "Document Format" section. The total price will be calculated for you before completion on the second page of the submission form.